Mr. Gilbert Cope,
West Chester, Pa/
Dear Sir:-It gives me pleasure to reply to yours of 11th inst., though
I have but little to communicate, and that little merely traditionary.
My grandfather's name was James. He was a physician, skillful, of extensive
practice, and high reputation. My father, who was John, believed that the
doctor was a graduate of Edinboro. He settled not in Savannah, but in Liberty
County, Georgia, where he married and admirable woman, a widow with
a good estate, who brought two sons, John and James, and one daughter,
who married the HOn. John Elliott, Senator of the United States from Georgia.
All the three had large families, my father 10 children, five of whom are
living, myself the eldest, now drawing near to the open door which no man
can shut. My uncle James had, I believe 11 children. Those who survive
are all worthy and respectable, and their children after them. Mres. Elliott's
family was short-lived. Of her grandchildren. Capt. James Dunwody Bullock
has lately brought out an interesting couple of volumes calle "The Secret
Service of the Confederate States," wherein are many things that it would
do all the States of the restored Union much good to reflect well upon.
Capt. Bullock has two sisters one of whom is married to a very worthy lawyer
in New York city. The other is the widow of the late Theordore Roosevelt
of the the same great city, and her two sons, Elliott and Theodore, are
rising young men in the city. Capt. Bullock resides in Liverpool, England.
My brother Henry died like a Paladin, thirty paces in advance of his regiment,
which he commanded upon the gory field of Gettysburg. We spell our name
with one O. The tradition among us is that they originally Scotch; that
they settled in the north of Ireland very early in the eighteenth century.
In the north of Ireland we have heard that our ancestor of that day married
into a family of the name of Cresswell, and his eldest son moved over to
this country. My grandfather Dunwody was a determined Whig and a surgeon
in the war of Independence. One of my grandfather's brothers came to Georgia
some after he did. He died early in life. I think his name was Robert.
Dr. Dunwody assisted his widow in rearing her children. One of her sons,
Robert also, moved to Louisiana. There was a rumor that he became a very
prosperous citizen of that State. Two other sons, Samuel and James, became
ministers of the Methodist Church. Samuel rose to distinction in this State.
He had an iron memory. It was generally believed by his neighbors that
he could repeat the Scriptures verbatim and could, if you quoted a text
give you chapter and verse. I wish I had more definite and trustworthy
information to supply,-sincerely hope it may avail something in aiding
your researches. Teh late Dr. Robert Irwine, of Augusta, Ga. told me that
he had been a school fellow of several of the name in the north of Ireland,
and that they bear a strong family likeness to those Dunwody's he has met
in these ends of the world.
Very Respectfully,
James B. Dunwody
Returning from a fatiguing professional tour last night and am scarecly
able to write.